“Unbreakable Resilience: Overcoming Adversity without Sight, Mother, and Independence”

He’s utterly defenseless, lacking autonomy, and with no maternal figure or vision, his fragility is boundless.

Like his siblings, he was deserted as a newborn. With no help in sight and no family around, Sage was left to fend for himself. To make matters worse, he also lost his sight during that time. Sage’s mother left him and his siblings at the tender age of two days old, and they were eventually found and taken to a foster home. Tragically, Sage was the only one to survive, and he now lives on with his disability.


A friend of Nora, who had taken in a small kitten after it was abandoned, contacted her. Nora gladly welcomed the kitten, who was about four days old at that time. However, she soon realized that something was amiss with the little orphan.


Sage was not feeling well due to an infection in his upper respiratory system. Additionally, he had developed an ulcer in his right eye.

Nora received the heartbreaking news that he would never regain his sight and would have to live with blindness indefinitely.


As soon as he was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection, he was prescribed antibiotics and Nora diligently applied ointment to his eyes every day.