The Enchanting Bond Between ‘Mama Kona’ the Dog and Tiny Foster Kittens

Mama Kona is an adorable doggo who provides a helping hand to Asa, a rescuer based in Arlington, Virginia, by fostering kittens. The atmosphere of the house is akin to a wondrous kingdom where little balls of fur, including bunnies, puppies, and kittens, coexist in harmony. Both Kona and Peeby, another pup, fit right in with the delightful kitties and bunnies. Mama Kona is always ready to help cats like Freckles when they require a break from looking after their Easter Egg kittens, serving as a patient babysitter. However, can you imagine stumbling upon this cute bunch on your bed? “It’s a caturday night bed invasion…with Kona 🐶 Guess I’ll have to sleep on the floor. 😂”

Mama Kona with kitties on a bed

This adorable pup is the perfect nanny dog and loves kittens. When new kittens arrive, Kona greets them with a wagging tail and lots of love. Spending time with Kona helps the kittens become accustomed to interacting with dogs, making them easier to place in homes where dogs may be present. Mama Kona met “The Teenies” and they had the best time together, with Kona being a jungle gym for the little kittens. She remains gentle and patient with all her little charges, even napping as they play around her. One independent kitten, Jessee, prefers cuddling with Kona over his littermates. Asa hopes to find a home where Jessee can have a puppy sibling, but it’s hard to imagine any pup being as sweet as Kona.

Kona cuddles with Jessie on a fluffy cat bed

To find out additional information, you can give Asa a follow on Instagram or check out the Animal Welfare League of Arlington.

Mama Kona cuddles with Jessie on a fluffy cat bed