Unplanned Visit from a Stray Kitten Before the Storm, Now Demands Constant Cuddles

Just before the massive rainfall, a little stray kitten found its way into my home. And now, all it wants is to be cuddled and held constantly.

calico kitten snuggly

In a Brooklyn neighborhood, a calico kitten was spotted wandering from one backyard to another. Fortunately, a family came to her rescue and provided her with food and water. Despite the other cats leaving the area, the kitten named Nico decided to stay. Although Nico appeared fearful at first, she craved human affection and would curl up into a ball whenever held. The family who found her contacted Gissell of Paws of Hope NYC to ask for assistance. Gissell immediately took Nico for a wellness check as she anticipated terrible weather the following day.

stray kitten rescued

Just in the nick of time before the downpour, the rescue team from BrooklynPaws of Hope NYC saved a little kitten. Although she had fleas, the feline was in good physical condition. At first, she was very anxious, but she found comfort in the care of the veterinary staff. The staff members were able to hold her and cradle her lovingly. She adores being carried like a baby and is thoroughly enjoying all the affection she’s receiving.

cuddly calico kitten

Initially frightened, Nico soon found comfort in the loving arms of the rescue staff at Paws of Hope NYC. When Danette Oberg learned that the sweet kitten needed a temporary home, she didn’t hesitate to step up and offer her services as a volunteer foster parent. As a foster-based rescue organization, Paws of Hope NYC relies on the support of dedicated individuals like Oberg to care for and nurture the cats and kittens in their charge. By working together, they’re able to save countless innocent lives.

kitten post bath towel

Danette Oberg shared that Nico was exhausted and timid following the lengthy experience but remained open to physical contact. Despite being shaken and frightened, Nico had a gentle disposition and would easily relax in someone’s embrace. The following day, however, Nico struggled with adapting to her new environment and exhibited nervousness. Additionally, she caused some trouble on her own.

shy kitten bonding

Nico gradually developed courage under the tender care of Danette Oberg. The adorable kitten was given a soothing spa treatment, after which Danette carefully dried her off. Nico found solace in Danette’s nurturing attention and rested on her desk throughout the day as she worked. This feline darling appeared to sense that she was protected, resulting in prolonged nap times.

sleeping calico kitten

Nico found herself taking a comfortable nap on her foster mom’s desk, enjoying the feeling of safety that came with it. It was a day when the rain poured down in sheets, causing severe floods in certain parts of New York City. Luckily, Nico had been rescued just before the storm hit. As the deluge raged on outside and beat against the windows, Nico remained cozy and warm, snuggled up in her blanket.

snuggly kitten calico shy

Danette Oberg shared that despite being scared, the cat was starting to feel comfortable around her. Danette has been holding the cat frequently to let her know she’s safe. The next day, Danette woke up to the sound of the cat purring and seeking affection. Nico snuggled against Danette’s chest happily for as long as possible.

cuddly kitten calico

As time goes by, Nico is becoming more comfortable and open with her surroundings. She’s even beginning to explore toys she’s never seen before. The best part is that she seems to find comfort in being held close. Her fur is so soft and snuggling up to her is the perfect remedy for any bad day.

snuggly kitten cat shoulder

Nico is now saved from hunger and the dangerous streets, and can enjoy the good life. She’s becoming more confident as she receives endless cuddles from her loving foster mom, and is relishing in all the luxuries that come with it.

snuggly kitten calico

Don’t forget to tell your pals about this heartwarming tale! For more updates on Nico and Paws of Hope NYC, check out their Instagram page @pawsofhopenyc. And for more cute content, you can follow Danette’s page @quesoandburrito. If you’re in the mood for another uplifting story, read about how a kitten who clung to shelter workers ended up being rescued and given a second chance at life.