Desperate Plea: A Mother Dog in Chains Begs for Her Last Puppy to Stay

Sergey reached out to Love Furry Friends Rescue concerning a small dog named Busya who was guarding a property while being tied up.

The dilapidated house was encircled by heaps of trash. Sergey implored the owner to hand over Busya, but he was absent and suggested that the rescuers could come back the following day. The rescuers assented to the plan.

Upon the arrival of the rescuers, the owner of the dog disclosed that the mother was fastened to a chain and had just given birth to four little pups. To everyone’s horror, all the female puppies were drowned while the male one was kept. Such an abhorrent act! As one of the rescuers bent down to greet Busya, the dog seemed to have felt relieved.

As soon as the woman received her puppy and placed him on her lap, tears rolled down her cheeks. She was scared that the little one might get hurt in any way. The puppy was like her child, and she would do anything to protect him till her last breath.

After some persuasion, Busya finally agreed to let the rescuer take both dogs to the car. The next step was to bring them to the vet to undergo a thorough check-up. The rescuer was delighted to find out that Busya and her puppy, who was named Buddy, were both amazing pets. For the full story and information on how to adopt other dogs in need of a home, watch the video below.

Feel free to pass on this tale to someone you care about.