From Abandoned and Legless to Thriving with Orthopedic Boots: The Heartwarming Tale of a Resilient Pup That Will Warm Your Soul.

Meet Cupid, a six-month-old rescue dog who has overcome a tough start in life and can now happily run around in his new orthopedic boots. He is certainly ready to melt your heart with his adorable appearance and charming personality. Cupid is the epitome of resilience, and his journey will inspire you to write a kind story about overcoming obstacles.

According to a message received, an animal was found struggling to survive in a landfill site in Toronto, Canada. To make things worse, the poor creature was abandoned in a plastic bag and left to face the harsh, icy weather conditions. Fortunately, the volunteers from The Dog Rescuers, Inc., a non-profit organization in Oakville, Ontario, intervened just in time and saved the animal from a certain death. This act of cruelty was truly heartless and unjustified, but thanks to the efforts of these kind-hearted volunteers, the animal was given a second chance at life.

Surprisingly, this dog is a unique case in nature as it was born with no limbs. This rare condition was the probable reason behind its cruel abandonment. It seems that whoever left the poor animal had no intention of helping it out. The lovable pup belongs to the Great Pyrenees mixed breed and the cause of its limblessness is most likely a genetic issue instead of any mistreatment.

Ever since the story of the dog went viral, a lot of people have been trying to locate and help him, and in no time, Cupid became an internet sensation with a huge fan following. Sadly, at the tender age of seven weeks, he had faced rejection that spurred him towards generosity, which has now finally paid off. With continuous efforts, Cupid’s luck turned around, and he received a ray of hope that has helped him get back on his feet. The news about his condition spread like wildfire, and it caught the attention of Pawsability, a company located in Toronto, who decided to step up and donate a pair of prostheses customized to suit Cupid’s needs.

The puppy is facing a new challenge of walking on two legs for the first time, and to make this transition easier, a set of tiny skis have been provided to aid in its training. As puppies have much to learn, these skates will not only assist in adjusting to walking on two legs but will also help strengthen their leg muscles.

There’s a group of people who are keeping an eye on this young lad’s development and improvement, all rooting for him to eventually stand up for himself. The best part is that, as per the updates on the shelter’s social media page, Cupid seems to be making steady progress every day.
It was only a matter of time before the pup found his forever home, and after numerous requests, that moment has finally arrived.

As a result of Cupid’s progress, the animal shelter decided to pen a new tale about him settling into his forever home with his loving family. Fortunately for him, Linda was the lucky lady who welcomed him into her arms.

According to the shelter, Cupid – who now goes by the name ‘Q’ – is thriving in his new environment surrounded by his fellow furry siblings. He enjoys spending his summers swimming in the lake and receiving plenty of love and attention from his devoted family, especially his best friend and doting mother, Linda. In fact, Linda even wears her affection for Q on her sleeve, sporting a tattoo of his initial on her arm.

Even though Q went through a name change, his tale captured our affections and he will forever be known as Cupid.