“Garden Dwelling Cat Ventures Indoors and Surprises Owner with Adorable Litter Under Cat Tree”

One day, a garden-dwelling feline opted to experience the comforts of indoor living. Before long, she gave birth to a litter of kittens beneath a cozy cat tree.

cat mom kitten

Anne, who fosters for the local animal rescue organization (@katzoektthuis), shared a heartwarming story on her Instagram page about a scrawny cat who found her way into a family’s backyard. Though she appeared feral at first, the family began feeding her daily, and soon enough, she decided to stick around. As time passed, the family noticed that the cat’s belly was expanding, leading them to suspect that she might be pregnant. They reached out to Anne’s organization for help, and fortunately, she was able to take the cat in and provide her with the care she needed.

community cat indoors

PennyAnne, a user on the fosterkittens_be platform, had a heartwarming tale to share about a feline named Penny. Penny was welcomed into a cozy indoor environment, which was a new experience for her. Though she preferred to keep to herself, Anne made sure that Penny had plenty of comfortable spots to rest. Interestingly, Penny took a liking to the cat tree right away.

cat tree penny

The moment Anne walked in, the cat tree caught her attention. She noticed how one of the cats immediately got up and came out of hiding to head towards the food bowl eagerly waiting for its meal. Days passed, and Penny went into labor. Surprisingly, she opted to have her kittens under the cat tree instead of the given birthing suites.

cat kittens nursing

Under the watchful eye of Anne from @fosterkittens_be, Penny delivered a litter of four adorable kittens right under the cat tree. Despite her appetite for food, Penny managed to give birth to four healthy and chubby little ones. She was fiercely protective of her babies and made sure that no humans disrupt their nest.

cat snuggling kittens

Anne, the owner of @fosterkittens_be, would lovingly embrace her kittens to ensure that they stayed safe within the nest. Whenever they attempted to stray, she would gently pull them back into her embrace. As the kittens grew older and more resilient, they began to venture out on their own and even Anne couldn’t stop them from exploring.

cat hugs kitten protective

Anne who runs the Instagram account @fosterkittens_be, revealed that when the little ones were about three weeks old, she finally got to spend some time with them. The furry felines were still wobbly on their feet, and as they became more curious about their surroundings, they also started to show an interest in Anne. Kaya, the most daring of the bunch, was the first to make a move and approach Anne. The other kittens soon followed her lead and took a liking to their loving foster mom.

kittens playful cat tree

Kamille, Kaya, and KikiAnne are some adorable foster kittens that can be found on the Instagram page @fosterkittens_be. While they were exploring their new surroundings, their mother Penny was keeping a close eye on them to make sure they were safe. She was always ready to rush over at the slightest sound to make sure her kittens were protected. The kittens themselves were quite playful and curious, always eager to investigate their foster mom and their new home. It’s clear that these little girls have some big personalities!

hissy cat kittens

Meet Kiki, Kaya, Kamille, and Koa – four adorable foster kittens who are full of energy and ready to explore the world. While Kiki and Kaya are bold and brave, their sister Kamille takes a more cautious approach. But with her siblings having so much fun, she soon joins in on the action. As for Koa, he’s definitely a mama’s boy, always sticking close to his mother’s side. When they’re not busy playing, these cuddly kittens love nothing more than snuggling up on Anne’s lap for some extra attention and affection.

lap kitten sweet

Anne, the owner of fosterkittens_be on Instagram, mentioned that Penny has not been socialized from a young age and is still cautious around people. However, Penny seems to trust Anne and knows that her kittens are in good hands. Regardless of whether Penny becomes more comfortable around people or not, Anne is determined to find a loving home for her.

kitten snuggling cat mom

Meet Koa, a kitten who’s very close to his mom. Anne from @fosterkittens_be mentioned that Koa’s mother will be given proper medical attention and spayed. If Koa decides he doesn’t want to live indoors with humans, he can still have a great life as a barn cat with caretakers who value him. However, the kittens still have a lot of growth and development ahead of them before they can become skilled felines.

kitten copies cat

Anne, the owner of @fosterkittens_be, shared that Penny has played a significant role in teaching the kittens under her care how to maintain personal hygiene and climb the cat tree where they were born. Anne also mentioned that Penny now enjoys spending time on her favorite cat furniture along with her adorable mini-me’s.

cat family tree kittens

Let your buddies know about this story! You can discover additional tales about cats and the charming animals Anne cares for by following @fosterkittens_be on Instagram.