How A Small Kitty Changed A Man’s Relationship With Felines Forever

Josh had never been fond of cats, so it was highly unlikely that he would ever end up cozying up with a kitten. However, his perspective transformed swiftly when he stumbled upon a helpless and forsaken kitten in the vicinity of his home.

Josh and his aunt stumbled upon a tiny kitten who was abandoned without any maternal care.

Josh found a stray kitten, and he wasn’t sure if it was abandoned or separated from its mother. He wanted to bring it inside for the night, but everyone advised against it. They suggested leaving the kitten outside in case the mother returned. Despite their advice, Josh ultimately decided to leave the kitten outside and wait for the mother to come back.

Josh couldn’t sleep that night and woke up early to see how the little kitten was doing. Sadly, Josh’s mom didn’t return, so he contacted his aunt and took the kitten inside.

The little kitten was still too dependent on his mother’s care to survive on his own, so he turned to social media to seek assistance. Fortunately, kind-hearted individuals guided him in the right direction and he was able to connect with The Pasadena Humane Society. They conducted a thorough examination of the kitten to ensure his well-being.

Josh was surprised when he became a cat dad, but he ended up adopting a kitten named Smokey after taking him in for a checkup. Although Josh didn’t plan on having a cat, he quickly fell in love with the kitten while fostering him. Nowadays, Josh and Smokey are practically attached at the hip!

The complete tale can be viewed in the following video: Additionally, if you are fond of Smokey, you can track him on Instagram. Did you enjoy this heartwarming story? Don’t hesitate to share it with your loved ones!