“Rescuing the Emaciated Kitten: A Heartwarming Tale of Overcoming Fleas, Blood Loss, and Starvation”

While walking along the road, Monty Fairley spotted an object on the side that caught his attention. Upon closer inspection, he discovered an adorable little kitten lying there by herself. It was evident that the little feline had been through a lot as she appeared to have been thrown from a car, similar to another kitten he encountered before. Alternatively, she might have been left alone on the road and got hit by a passing vehicle. Fortunately, her limp back right leg made it easy for Monty to catch her.

He contacted Chasity Cecil, a friend who is passionate about rescuing animals. Chasity and her husband were driving on the same road when they witnessed another kitten being thrown out of a car. The first kitten, named Hope, was already recovering in Chasity’s care. You can read about Hope’s story at the end of this article. Chasity was quick to act and rushed to rescue the second kitten to begin its physical and emotional healing process immediately. The poor little kitten was infested with large fleas, which left her anemic and malnourished, resulting in her body being just “skin and bones.”

After examining the injury on her leg, it appeared to be badly fractured and the little kitten didn’t respond to any touch as if the area was completely numb. Even when her paw was touched, she didn’t flinch or show any reaction.

The second kitten was also lying on its leg without realizing the harm it was causing and dragging its leg while moving around. Chasity was worried that this kitten would have to undergo amputation like Hope did recently.

Chasity decided to give the girl the name Faith. Once she had given her a thorough bath, Chasity spent a considerable amount of time removing an overwhelming number of fleas from the fragile little girl.

Throughout the entire experience, the adorable cat named Faith displayed a remarkably friendly demeanor, proving that she was not a feral or unwanted stray. It’s truly heartbreaking to imagine someone simply abandoning her like a piece of garbage. However, after receiving a warm bath, Faith purrs contentedly while gazing at the people who rescued her with gratitude.

On a Sunday morning, Faith had to visit a vet for her medical checkup. The vet administered some medication such as de-wormer, flea treatment, and painkillers for her leg. They also conducted X-rays to determine the issue with Faith’s health. While waiting for the diagnosis, Chasity realized that animal rescue can be an expensive venture, so she looked for support from her followers for donations. It’s worth noting that Chasity and her husband initially shoulder all the expenses related to taking care of the rescued animals.