Rihanna’s Philanthropy: Making a Difference in Malawi’s Poverty Stricken Communities

Rihanna's Charity Work Fighting Poverty in Malawi

Back in January 2017, Rihanna made a trip to Malawi where she represented her non-profit organization, the Clara Lionel Foundation and worked as a global ambassador for the Global Partnership for Education. She went there with Julia Gillard, the former Australian Prime Minister, to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges that Malawi faces concerning health and education. A documentary by Global Citizen was released to showcase Rihanna’s charity work in the area. The film highlights the poverty, hunger, lack of education and basic human rights that many children have to endure in Malawi. Rihanna took the time not just to interact with the young ones but also discussed possible strategies to improve their situation with key political figures.
The education situation in Malawi is in dire need of help, and it requires immediate attention. Through this documentary and Rihanna’s charitable work, it has brought focus and awareness to the severity of conditions in Malawi. World Bank research indicates that one out of every two Malawians live in poverty, making it their most pressing issue.

Rihanna's Charity Work: Fighting Poverty in Malawi

Little progress has been made in the fight against poverty in Malawi, particularly in rural regions. This is largely due to unstable economic conditions, natural disasters, and poor performance in the agricultural sector. To combat this issue, the World Bank suggests investing in secondary education for women. Women are particularly affected by poverty and education issues in Malawi, as they face dangers while walking to school due to poor infrastructure and cultural practices like arranged marriages, which discourage them from pursuing education.

Rihanna’s charity work in Malawi aims to raise awareness of these issues and connect with key leaders. The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) has raised funds for global education and hopes to provide inclusive, equitable, quality education for all children by 2030. The organization aims to raise $3.1 billion for over 870 million children in 89 countries between 2018 and 2020. Partnering with Rihanna allows GPE to combine their goals with Rihanna’s interest in education for girls and arts education.

Rihanna has used her fame to support charity work, particularly her Clara Lionel Foundation, which she established in 2012. The nonprofit focuses on improving the quality of life for communities globally in the areas of health, education, arts, and culture. The foundation provides scholarships, partners with corporations, holds fundraising events, and more to provide resources to these areas.