The Heartwarming Story of a Feline Survivor: Overcoming a Severe Fungal Infection

Lucille reached out to us via Instagram to share her story about her foster cat, Journey, who has special needs due to a fungal infection called cryptococcosis. We had not heard of this condition before and we agreed to feature Journey in the hopes of raising awareness about it. Lucille was a pleasure to work with and we hope that our interview with her will be both interesting and informative.
When asked about how she met Journey, Lucille shared that she saw him on Facebook, where he was being advertised as a cat in a kill shelter with a possible cancerous growth on his face. He was brought to the shelter to be euthanized.

black and white rescue cat with cryptococcosis

The cat in the picture, who goes by the name Journey, had a tough time dealing with cryptococcosis. He was in excruciating pain and was on the brink of death. Thankfully, we were able to save him after he came to us on November 3, 2022. When I first laid eyes on him, I couldn’t help but cry.

black and white rescue cat with cryptococcosis

Journey’s struggle with cryptococcosis is a matter of concern, and it’s essential to understand how this rare fungal disease affects cats. Essentially, the disease thrives in areas with mold, decaying vegetation, and dried pigeon droppings. When a cat inhales the spores, it enters the sinus cavities and begins to grow, which can lead to brain damage and even death if left untreated. The fungus also causes large growths that distort the feline’s face, eating away at their facial structure. It’s a dreaded condition that requires immediate attention and treatment to save the cat’s life.

black and white rescue cat with cryptococcosis

In an interview with MAF, L shared her thoughts on the common misconceptions surrounding special needs cats, including Journey. She pointed out that special needs cats can have different types of diseases and conditions that vary in severity. Sadly, many cat owners will choose to have their pets put down or abandoned if they are diagnosed with one of the three most common diseases. This is because they fail to understand that cats can feel emotions just like humans do.

L has first-hand experience with dealing with these conditions, having spent almost 20 years working with them when most vets were unaware of what the diseases were. When she rescued Journey, he was on the brink of giving up, but after five months of treatment, he is slowly recovering. Although his recovery will take time, he still enjoys a good quality of life and loves nothing more than snuggling on L’s lap while she pets him under his chin. Despite facing criticism from some people who suggested that she should put Journey down, L remains committed to providing him with the best possible care and a happy life.