“The Pouty Pooch: Madame Eyebrows and Her Perpetual Grumpy Expression”

Have you ever seen a puppy with brows that are so expressive that they make you swoon? Meet Madame Eyebrows, the English bulldog who has taken cuteness to a whole new level with her adorable features and expressive brows. Madame Eyebrows was born with two spots above her eyes that give the appearance of brows, which are so big that they make her seem melancholy. Unlike Grumpy Cat, Madame Eyebrows resembles a Dejected Dog.

According to the owner of Madame Eyebrows, she has always appeared discontented and sported eyebrows.

The dog may have a sad expression, but her owner claims that she is actually quite happy. According to the owner, the dog wags her tail and shows affection towards people. If you check out the dog’s Instagram account with over 100,000 followers, you’ll see that she is actually a very positive and lively animal. However, despite her upbeat demeanor, the dog still tends to have a long face most of the time. Want to see for yourself? Take a look at her pictures!

The perfect countenance to behold during the wee hours of the day is as follows:

According to Canidae Pet Food’s blog, even though dogs don’t have brows like humans, they are still capable of communication through the ridge above their eyes.

Certain dog breeds like German Shepherds and Rottweilers have markings above their eyes that resemble human eyebrows, but dogs do not actually have brows. Instead, they have a ridge above their eyes that can be used to convey emotions in the same way humans use their brows. While Madame Eyebrows could use her impressive brow to express her feelings, she may choose not to and leave us guessing. So, don’t be deceived by her “sad brow”!