“Discover the Adorable Two-Legged Cat’s Journey to Finding Her Forever Home at a Shelter in Texas”

The Cattery Cat Shelter in Corpus Christi, Texas was recently gifted with a trio of kittens without tails. They were given names inspired by famous rabbits from fiction books, namely Peter Rabbit, Thumper, and Cecily Parsley. Their cute bunny-like features, such as their big ears and eyes, caught the attention of the shelter’s social media manager, Katie Hattfield.

two legged siamese rescue cat

Last year, a group of adorable kittens were taken to the shelter on April 3rd. However, one of them, named Cecily, was diagnosed with Manx syndrome, a genetic defect that affects cats without tails. This condition may result in spinal problems that can lead to health concerns like partial paralysis or incontinence.

two legged siamese rescue cat

As per a post by Instagram user @princesscecilycc, the vet found out that Cecily not only has Manx syndrome but also has hind legs that are deformed and hinder her movement. As a result, she was taken in as a permanent resident at The Cattery Cat Shelter.

two legged siamese rescue cat

Katie acknowledges that they didn’t realize the full extent of the commitment they were making at first. However, after speaking with the veterinarian, it became apparent that the cat would need additional attention due to its disability. Despite this, Katie and her team were eager to do everything in their power to ensure the cat’s health and happiness.

two legged siamese rescue cat

Cecily was a rescue cat from Texas who suffered from self-injury due to excessive chewing on her back legs. Her actions caused severe injuries and put her at risk of developing an infection. The veterinarian suggested a surgery to remove her hind legs since they were no longer functional. Despite being a kitten, Cecily made a speedy recovery from the operation. Katie, her owner, reported that adapting to life as a two-legged cat was not a challenge for Cecily.

two legged siamese rescue cat

Three years ago, Cecily was brought to The Cattery Cat Shelter, and now she lives happily with more than 20 other cats in the Teen Room. Despite the prevailing belief that cats with special needs cannot enjoy life fully, Cecily is just like any other cat, leading an active and contented life.

Katie shares that her four-legged companion stays lively by engaging in various activities such as running on the exercise wheel, chasing her buddies, and enjoying treats and wet food. While her feline friend may not be fond of climbing trees, she still enjoys using scratchers and toys to keep herself entertained. Katie affirms that her beloved pet can live a happy and satisfying life.

Cecily is quite a unique feline as she isn’t able to climb like other cats can. However, what sets her apart even more is that she has to wear not only clothing but also diapers to prevent any accidents from occurring. As a result of this, she must frequently take baths to ensure cleanliness due to her incontinence issues. Katie explains that, given the risk of infections attached to wearing diapers, they must look out for Cecily’s well-being by cleaning her twice daily and providing her with fresh diapers.

two legged siamese rescue cat

Cecily, a two-legged feline with incontinence, is receiving top-notch care from the shelter’s staff and volunteers, which is great news. Despite her challenges, they are devoted to ensuring that she lives a happy life. Compared to other cats with fewer disabilities, taking care of Cecily requires more resources and effort. The shelter provides her with specialized food, diapers, and custom clothes, as well as routine veterinary check-ups to guarantee her health and well-being. Katie, a shelter employee, revealed that there is a lot happening behind the scenes to ensure Cecily’s comfort and good health.

two legged siamese rescue cat

Fortunately, Cecily has found a forever home where she is given the love and care she needs. She is showered with attention and enjoys being the center of it all. Katie has mentioned that Cecily particularly loves being in the spotlight. They even have a weekly photo session where Cecily happily runs to the middle to get her pictures taken.

Cecily’s outgoing personality has played a crucial role in raising awareness for special needs cats at The Cattery Cat Shelter. She has successfully shown that these felines deserve more than just sympathy due to their unique circumstances, to both the visitors and the staff members of the shelter.

two legged siamese rescue cat

On Instagram, @princesscecilycc posted a photo of an inspiring feline named Cecily. Her presence at The Cattery Cat Shelter for the past three years has given hope, strength, and courage to the staff who have taken care of her. Katie, one of the shelter staff, attests that Cecily motivates them to do their best every day.

two legged siamese rescue cat

To stay updated on the life of a beautiful young woman, simply follow Cecily on Instagram. Through her posts and photos, you can get an inside look into her world and never miss a moment.